Hi, I am having trouble running the “ros2 action send_goal /find_objects grasping_msgs/action/FindGraspableObjects “{plan_grasps: false}”” command after adding cloudpoints.
Everytime I execute the command I get an action aborted message.
When I run the topic lists command the check the node I can see the cloud points and cloud support nodes in the list but the when running the command the connection gets aborted every time.
I think you are confusing some things. When you say you added the pointcloud, you are only showing that it is visualized in rviz. Rviz is just for visualization purposes, not for doing any interaction with your program.
You should provide the pointcloud to your program. The it will detect the object, since the visualization in rviz shows that the pointcloud data is correct. Somehow, you are not providing that to your program
I am not sure how to do that. From my understanding I thought that after adding the pointcloud in Rviz and running “ros2 run simple_grasping basic_grasping_perception_node --ros-args -p debug_topics:=true” command, checking if the components show in ros2 action and topic list, and executing “ros2 action send_goal /find_objects grasping_msgs/action/FindGraspableObjects “{plan_grasps: false}”” command should be able to run the sensors and detect the object and display the detection in the console as shown in the tutorial but I am not sure what I am missing from the steps mentioned above to provide the pointcloud to my program.
I have 1 more question. why does adding a Pointcloud from " By display type" gives me an error but when I do from the “By topic” menu it does not show the error?
The error that you can see when selected By display type is because by display type you still need to configure that display to show the proper information (and you still haven’t). If you choose the display By topic the Rviz will automatically configure the display for you with the information of the topic you select.
That is why in one case you see an error and in the other you don’t