Ackermann vehicle and ros2_control

Hi everyone,
Thanks to the different courses I’m taking here I’m trying to implement nav2 with a real golf cart.

Using a joystick I can move the cart, from rviz2 I see that the golf cart receives the linear.x (rear wheels) and angular.z (steering wheel) commands correctly.

The problem arises when I start nav2, as soon as I tell it to move forward a few meters the steering wheel seems to go crazy, it moves too much and turns to the maximum possible.

Since I’m new to this real implementation I was looking around, and I think it must use ros2_control right?

So before starting nav2 should I configure or create a ros2_control for my golf cart?

Hi @kevpretell, that sounds cool!

Well, from being able to use the joystick and see it in rviz2, I believe you are already implementing some sort of control to the golf cart?

If it responds to /cmd_vel already, then there is something running in the golf cart that accepts those messages and translate them to actual wheel movement.

That is the first thing to identify in my opinion, before you try to localize the cart and be able to run Nav2 in it.

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