[Bug] "undefined symbol: _ZN3tf215durationFromSecEd"

Screenshot of the error

Error details

Good day, I started having the above error after upgrading the course to ROS2 Humble as was suggested and it has gotten me completely stuck. Can any one help? Where is this error coming from … How do I fix it?

Course ROS2 Manipulation Basics
Unit ROS2 Manipulation Demo

Not yet the solution, but just to make it easier in the next steps of debugging it, when I run the command below to demangle the compiled name:

c++filt _ZN3tf215durationFromSecEd

The output was:


So, the tf2::durationFromSec(double) method is probably being called but it may not exist.

We (The Construct) may need to upgrade the TF library.

Hello @takavarasha ,

The problem was that you still had many packages from the old version of the course. When you migrate it you should remove all the old packages and build again your workspace, as indicated in the migration notes:

Because of all these updates, the old material of the course is deprecated and will not work with the new version of the course. Therefore, you must remove all the packages and files created in the old version of the course.

I’ve removed some of the old packages you had (not all of them, but you should), rebuilt the workspace, and now everything is working fine.


Oh alright! Thank you so much!

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