I cannot see the scan display and means to select it in the Gazebo window. I have used teleop keyborad to spin the robot in front of sphere and I can see active data in /scan using ros2 topic echo /scan
I also added laser scan to rviz and could see the red dots there.
Hi @mikebz ,
Welcome to this Community!
You need to set the QoS profile of /scan
in Rviz2 to see the scans properly.
The usual QoS setting for LaserScan messages from /scan
topic is:
History: KEEP_LAST
, Depth: 5
, Reliability: BEST_EFFORT
and Durability: VOLATILE
You can set these under Laser Scan display in the Rviz2 left panel.
As an additional step, set the Marker size to 0.25 so that the “red dots” are clearly visible.
This should fix your problem. Let me know if you still have issues.
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