Chapter 3 - Running the Object Detection nodes

Hello, I am trying to run the object detection node in Chapter 3 by running this command

ros2 run simple_grasping basic_grasping_perception_node --ros-args -p debug_topics:=true

But I got this error. I tried to recompile and source the workspace a few times but still does not work.

/home/user/ros2_ws/install/simple_grasping/lib/simple_grasping/basic_grasping_perception_node: symbol lookup error: /home/user/ros2_ws/install/simple_grasping/lib/simple_grasping/basic_grasping_perception_node: undefined symbol: _ZNK12class_loader11ClassLoader14getLibraryPathB5cxx11Ev

One possible reason for this error is that the Class Loader library is not properly installed or linked. You may want to check if the Class Loader library is properly installed and available on your system. You can do this by running the command ldconfig -p | grep class_loader in your terminal. This command will show you if the Class Loader library is installed and where it is located.

Another possible reason for this error is that there is a version mismatch between the Class Loader library and the library basic_grasping_perception_node. In this case, you may want to ensure that the Class Loader library and the basic_grasping_perception_node library are built and linked against the same version of the Class Loader library.

I saw the similar/same error and asked I’ve only found a workaround.