Creating a Joint_trajectory_controller and Gripper_Command_controller in ros2 actions code for custom robotic arm

Hello I am curious to ask the best recommendations when one builds a Moveit2 package and how to create ros2 action servers I want to design them similar to the ros2 moveit course with the simulator robot.

I have done research online and it involves programming custom ros2_controls to integrate it with Gazebo and there is a ros2_control course on Construct.

My challenge is the connection between the two interfaces to make it move and grasp from its gripper. What would you recommend to go through first, thank you again.

Hi @Agarcia5612 ,

MoveIt! [1 or 2] configuration packages are created as per requirement basis. So there are no fixed steps that remain the same throughout all packages created. However the steps to create a configuration package is the same for any robot.

There are no specific “to-do’s” or “not to-do’s” when it comes to creating a moveit configuration package. It all depends on the ability of your robot and your requirement.
The best thing to do is install ROS2 along with MoveIt Framework on your laptop and then download a tutorial/demo setup. Then launch the demo tutorial with Setup Assistant and explore how it has been configured.
The best way to learn how to configure is to download a robot model which has all the necessary components that are used in the Setup Assistant. Then play with the configuration and see how the robot behaves in the simulation after every change made with the Setup Assistant.

The best thing to do is to Take the ROS2 Basics course. It explains you how to setup topics, services and actions with live-simulation. You don’t have to download any tutorial package or files - just follow the course and you should be able to understand the basic concepts easily.

This is exactly what you will learn in the ROS2 Manipulation course after you finish it. You have basically asked how you can do manipulation movements when there is a whole framework designed for it - you just need to learn the framework.

ROS2 and its Frameworks are very much interlinked with each other in a way that at some point, they are all going to mix together.
So you need to be ROS-ready if you want to implement it on a robot of your own.

There are only two basic types of robots, Mobile Robots and Manipulator Arm Robots.

  1. Mobile Robots - Requires ROS2 Basics, ROS2 Controls, ROS2 Navigation
  2. Manipulators - Requires ROS2 Basics, ROS2 Controls, ROS2 Manipulation

Every robot is a dynamically controlled machine, so you need to have a good understanding of ROS2 Control framework to be able to design your own Mobile or Manipulator robot.
You need ROS2 Basics to understand the basic communication components of a ROS2 package.
You need to learn ROS2 Controls if you need a deeper understanding of MoveIt framework from the very beginning.
There are no shortcuts or faster routes, it all depends on how quickly you can understand things.


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