Creating own controller - persisting error

I followed the tutorial exactly (quadruple checked it), I switched the chapter and went back several times, I deleted devel and build and rebuilt the workspace several times. Still, the error persists.

[ERROR] [1567215129.717200, 348.798000]: Failed to load joint1_position_controller

Working on this. To be solved along this week.

Was this solved? I’m having the same problem. Thanks

Still not. This is a hard one. We are giving first priority to this error now.
We will notify you when ready

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Hello @wwchung91 and @simon.steinmann91, we are happy to announce that this error has been finally solved. Thanks for your feedback and patience.



Was this solved? As I am experienced same problem…

Hello @hki,

Yes, it should be solved. What is the error you are getting?


I changed the sequence in args few times, and it just worked suddenly.

Hope it could help someone who come across this kind of problem.

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