Does Turtlebots use sensor fusion?

I have worked with turtlebots in the past and have found them to work well even when mapping and localisation at high speeds.

Can you tell me how turtlebot achives this? because when i have created URDF of my own in the past, i had to add sensor fusion for better mapping and localisation.

Does Turtlebot have sensor fusion working in the background?

TurtleBot3 has cameras and LIDAR, which are usually fused. I haven’t heard of a multi-sensor application with these two sensors where they are used separately.

A radar can also be added as an extra component and, if it doesn’t come with a library, I suppose one has to write the sensor fusion oneself.

Hi @Joseph1001,
The turtlebot3 uses amcl to perform its localisation.
If you check in the amcl.launch file of turtlebot3_navigation (turtlebot3/turtlebot3_navigation/launch/amcl.launch at master · ROBOTIS-GIT/turtlebot3 · GitHub), you can see that both odom and laser scan are used to perform to localize the robot on the map.
AMCL (Adaptative Monte Carlo Localization) is a localisation algorithm based on particle filters.

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