I did the wall following part and ran it
But today I am trying to run it again, yet when I start the simulation using the commands given in the notebook:
If you are getting a gray screen on Gazebo, it is probably because the simulation environment is zoomed in too much. It happened to me, so try to zoom out as much as possible. You will be able to see the simulation area again with the complete robot setup.
= = = = = = = = = = EDIT:
Make sure that you use a separate terminal for launching the simulation and another separate terminal for the ros bridge. Use a fresh terminal to run your package program.
= = = = = = = = = =
I hope this helps. Let us know if you still have issues.
after trying what Girish suggested, if you still cannot see the simulation, please try sharing the link for your rosject here, so that we can try to reproduce it.
Hello Thank you for your feedback
In fact, it was not a zoom issue.
I deleted my rosject and initialized it again late at night
and gazebo is working perfectly
I hope it wonβt happen again