How to perform trajectory optimization of delta robot with python

Hi developers

I would like you input on how to best gather the knowledge I need to do my master’s thesis. The project is done in ROS2 using python to interact with a delta robot.
I have taken the ROS2 basics in 5 days (python) course, and I am now familiar with the basics. I am to receive pose data for a goal and generate a path. Then I generate the motor angles based on inverse kinematics maybe considering the dynamics, but the controller is not the scope at the moment.
For now I need to learn how to generate a path and visualize all joints in rviz2. What would you recommend I start digging in to?

Rasmus MT

Hello @r.malmvig,

this is my small contribution of ideas that you might consider:

  • I think a good understanding of TF’s as well as URDF/Xacro files would be important
  • Maybe at some point in the future you might want to look at ros2_control for controlling the motors
  • You will need to understand kinematics and inverse kinematics for robot arms
  • From what I understood path planning for robot arms is the core of what you want to implement. We have a course on path planning for mobile robots, but many of the concepts also apply to robot arms.
  • You also might want to look at MoveIt (robot manipulation course), but be warned that MoveIt only works with serial kinematic chain robots, so you will have to trick your robot model to be represented as serial and not a parallel robot.

Last but not least I recommend to look at what others have done related to delta robots using ROS, get inspired and look there for other knowledge that you might need.

All the best on your master thesis!


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