Publishing a PointCloud transform

Hello The Construct Community!

What I’m trying to do is sounding very simple but is proving to be very hard (For me as a ROS rookie at least).

The setup:

  • Ubuntu 18.04
  • ROS version melodic

So in short I want to do something that seems simple. I would like to:

  1. Subscribe to a topic (with msg type PointCloud)
  2. Grab the transform from topic_frame to world_frame
  3. Use the transform on the subscribed topic and publish that into a new topic.

Here is my current strategy to test the transform out but is not working. I constantly get the error of the transform not being available but it works just fine with “rosrun tf tf_echo source target”.

#! /usr/bin/env python
import sys
import rospy
import math
import tf
from tf import TransformerROS as TransformerROS
import tf2_ros
import sensor_msgs.msg

publisher = rospy.Publisher('source_to_target/Pointcloud', sensor_msgs.msg.PointCloud, queue_size=5)

def pos_callback(msg):
    print 'Callback funtion called'
    sub_msg = sensor_msgs.msg.PointCloud()
    sub_msg.header = msg.header
    sub_msg.channels = msg.channels
    sub_msg.points = msg.points
    if len(sub_msg.points) > 0:
            listener.waitForTransform('source', 'target',, rospy.Duration(0.1))
            pp = trans_ros.transformPointCloud('target', sub_msg)
            print "Original:"
            print sub_msg.points[0]
            print "Transformed"
            print pp.points[0]
        except Exception as e:
            print e

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print 'starting node'
    listener = tf.TransformListener()
    trans_ros = tf.TransformerROS()
    print 'init transformlistener'
    rospy.Subscriber("Source/PointCould", sensor_msgs.msg.PointCloud, pos_callback)
    print 'Sub'
    rate = rospy.Rate(10.0)

Now how this should be done I can’t seem to figure out. Does anyone have a good answer to how this should be done in a good way?

could you publish an image or a log of the error?