I have some questions about my_gurdy_demo.py in this case. (“URDF for robot modelling” - “create the URDF files for a Gurdy Robot from scratch”).
First question:
In solution, in order to check if the joints fulfill the desired angle, there is a function:
def assertAlmostEqualAngles(self, x, y,):
c2 = (sin(x) - sin(y)) ** 2 + (cos(x) - cos(y)) ** 2
angle_diff = acos((2.0 - c2) / 2.0)
return angle_diff
I don’t really understant what is going on here. Would you please inform me of what this geometric formular is, and what is “2.0” here? Is it related with the “error=0.1” in next function:
def gurdy_check_continuous_joint_value(self, joint_name, value, error=0.1):
Check the joint by name 'base_waist_joint', 'body_head_joint', 'waist_body_joint is near the value given
We have to convert the joint values removing whole revolutions and converting negative versions
of the same angle
:param joint_name:
:param value:
:param error: In radians
joint_reading = self.gurdy_joint_dictionary.get(joint_name)
if not joint_reading:
assert "There is no data about that joint"
clean_joint_reading = self.convert_angle_to_unitary(angle=joint_reading)
clean_value = self.convert_angle_to_unitary(angle=value)
dif_angles = self.assertAlmostEqualAngles(clean_joint_reading, clean_value)
similar = dif_angles <= error
return similar
Second question:
If I want to change the revolutional velocity of joints, I know we can achieve that by changing the PID-values in controllers.yaml. But for example, I need 1st movement to rotate the joints faster, but 2nd movement slower. Changing PID can only change the velocity once and for all, it is not flexible as soon as PID is decided. Can we do that in “my_gurdy_demo.py”? Or is there other ways?
Thank you.