Hi @rzegers ,
I’m sorry to bother you again.
I have recently assembled a two-wheeled balance car. It is controlled by the stm32 program to keep balance. This all works fine.
But when I put radar on it and tried to control it through ROS to complete the map building and navigation function, it get wrong.
The process was just like the one shown in the video. When building the map, I felt that its radar point cloud felt constantly floating, unlike a four-wheeled car which is very stable. I consider that the stm32 is controlling its balance at the time, which may cause its radar x, y, and z position to keep changing, which may be the reason for its point cloud floating. In the end, I saw that the map build was actually acceptable, so I left it alone.
(I couldn’t upload the video so I made it a gif and turned up the size of the point cloud to show in rviz, I’m sorry it’s so unclear.)
But when I use the built map to perform the navigation function. I found that his radar point cloud was slowly rotating clockwise, as shown in the video, but in reality, my car was just moving back and forth to keep it balanced. This baffles me as to what is causing his radar point cloud to rotate.
Has any ROSer encountered this problem and can you help me?
Thank you very much,