[rviz_node]: Message Filter dropping message: frame 'base_scan' at time 701.469 for reason 'discarding message because the queue is full'

Hi all,
I am runnign turtlebot3 on Humble (ROS2) on my system (Ubuntu 22.04). I have successfully created the map and saved it to file using cartographer following the course instructions, but when i try to launch the map_server, i get the following error:

i have looked for solutions online, and it boils down to:

  1. Running all the nodes from a single launch file (Did not work for me)
  2. Synchronization error
    I am not sure how to fix synchronisation error. If anyone has faced this before, please share the how to.

If there is an alternative approach to this. do let me know.

Thanks in advance.

Hi @Joseph1001 ,

If I remember correctly, there are a few things that cause this problem.

  1. Incorrect QoS settings used by the LaserScan topic, including history policy.
  2. You are using the incorrect Fixed Frame on Rviz GUI.
  3. The frame_id of the LaserScan message is:
    1. not present in the same TF tree as that of the Fixed Frame that you wish to use in the RViz
    2. not a child frame of the frame of base_link of the robot.

Running from one launch or multiple launch files is not related to this problem, so you can use a single launch file if you wish.

I hope this helps. These are the causes I have noted so far.


Hi @girishkumar.kannan ,
you were right, the incorrect QOS setting caused this.

The ones i set did not match the ones from the course.

Thanks a ton.

Hi @Joseph1001 ,

Glad to know that I could be of help to you and resolve your issue!


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