Can anyone help explain what does the function sendTransform() mean in simpler words?
I read that it broadcasts the transformation from the tf frame child to parent on ROS topic “/tf”.
Could anyone elaborate on this ?
Thank you for taking time
I want to add my train of thought for this function, please correct me if I am wrong.
As stated above, “from tf frame child to parent frame” the transformation that is being published/broadcasted is telling us what the translation and rotation should for the child link be if it wants to reach the parent link. This transformation matrix/data is used to calculate whatever the objective of the robot is.
The class GazeboModel, Odometry or any other localization system ultimately uses their own transforms to give the pose of a robot which we are using to interact with other robots.
I hope this is correct.
Hello @mamojiz97 ,
Your take is correct. This sentence you wrote defines pretty well what a transform is in simple words: the transformation that is being published/broadcasted is telling us what the translation and rotation should for the child link be if it wants to reach the parent link.
Maybe you’d want to give a look at the TF course to clarify the concept of transformation.
ROS1 TF: TF ROS course - hands-on | The Construct
ROS2 TF: TF ROS2 course - hands-on | The Construct
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