Sensor detection being aborted after loading sensor config file Unit 5

Hi, I am trying to resume my work on the sensor implementation for object detection in unit 5 but I am ecountering some problems. This morning I created the file and everything was working fine, each step went smooth and I got the expected outputs, but now after loading the file everytime I execute the “ros2 action send_goal /find_objects grasping_msgs/action/FindGraspableObjects “{plan_grasps: false}”” command the server fails to connect and I get an aborted connection as a result.

I tried to disable to support_cloud and object_cloud nodes and I still get the same connection aborted output. I also tried enabling all 3 point clouds and run the “ros2 action send_goal /find_objects grasping_msgs/action/FindGraspableObjects “{plan_grasps: false}”” command I still get a aborted connection message. The nodes neem to initialize correctly as the topic lists and action list display the correct information but the basic grasping perception node displays the following error after executing the command mentioned above

My config File is saved in my workspace in a separate folder called sensor_configs as seen below and I made sure to save all files and compile my workspace before stopping working earlier on the day


The config file itself is exactly as I left it before and I cannot see any changes on it

Is there any step that I missing or do I have to create a new config file for the sensor everytime I want to work on it?

After reopening the project and refollowing the steps and reloading the again it seems that it is working again but I am still unsure why it was not working before.

@tumoney84 It’s hard to tell without being able to test it… but if it’s working without any change from your side now, you can assume it was an issue on the simulation side.

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