Hello everyone,
I am looking for ways to construct a non-convex optimization problem to be solved in soft real-time. What I am looking for are tutorials to introduce external packages that can be used to solve said problem (Casadi, Acado, etc), the kinds of solvers that are fast and how to get it set-up on Ubuntu/Windows (Coin-HSL for different linear-solvers).
From my end, I am somewhat familiar with Casadi, but I am totally a greenhorn when it comes to setting-up different-solvers to be used. For those who are unfamiliar with Casadi, they offer paid live/online workshops and there are some nice YouTube videos to get started (Video 1, Video 2, Video 3) (I went the YouTube route). I have recently came across Acado and I plan to find how I can leverage it.
It would be great to have a course where one can learn how to get your robots to actually do something optimally when you have a cost-function in-mind.