Spawn models to the Gazebo environment


I am currently doing chapter 4 in ROS2 Manipulation course. I would llike to add the models from Fuel.

Here are the steps I followed. I cloned the sdf files to the linux environment in the course.
And spawned the model using the following command : ros2 run gazebo_ros -file ~/ros2_ws/src/GazeboModels/custom_model.sdf -x 0.34 -y 0.13 -z 0.1 -entity custom_model

I got success message in the terminal, but I couldnt see the model in the environment.
Please guide me in this direction.

Hi SaiTeja,
Did you get any error message or warning before the success in the terminal?
Sometimes the model takes longer to load, specially the first time. Let me know.

Hi @jpvaldivia7

Thanks for your prompt reply. Please find the images attached. I am trying to spawn a container. Success message is being shown on the webshell, but I couldnt find any model in the Gazebo simulator/

I took the container model file from this resource -

I see, it is because Gazebo have problems with specific meshes format. In this case you have a .obj mesh, I recommend you to do this steps:

  1. Import the .obj file in Blender
  2. Add the image texture into the model (I like this tutorial for this:
  3. Export it to .dae file from Blender and replace it into your ROSject

This is how I manage to add my own models into Gazebo. Good luck!

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