Test_kinematics_plugin.launch.py file not responding

Hi, I am trying to run the test_kinematics_plugin.launch.py file for this part of the coursework. However everytime I try to launch the file robot model stays at loading and it does not do anything else. This output behaviour is similar to when I tried to modify the appraoch_retreat file to try to make the gripper work. I went through the .cpp file and can not tell what is causing it. Any suggestions of why this is happening and how to fix it? Thanks.

Note: I had to delete the “grasping_msgs” line of code in the Cmake File for this .cpp code to execute as in the previous post, due to the “grasping_msgs” line of code giving me the same error as in the cartesian_path file.

Modifying the kinematics.yaml with the new provided plugin:

#kinematics_solver: kdl_kinematics_plugin/KDLKinematicsPlugin
kinematics_solver: lma_kinematics_plugin/LMAKinematicsPlugin
kinematics_solver_search_resolution: 0.0050000000000000001
kinematics_solver_timeout: 0.0050000000000000001

solves the issue but I do not get any output whne using the default kinematics package.

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