There is a catkin_make error

There is an error when I make the package.
I did write add_executable and add_dependencies in the CMakeLists.txt.

Hi @kerwin.liu0134,

Welcome to the Community!

Sorry to hear that you are having this error. Please go over the examples and ensure that these points were covered:

  • Make sure you added the right dependencies (if any) when you created the package. e.g. catkin_create_pkg simple roscpp.
  • Ensure there is no typo in the add_executable and add_dependencies directives.
  • Be sure you have also added the target_link_libraries directive as well.

Please let’s know how it goes.

I re-create the package again and successfully make the package!
But I still can’t find why I fail on previous one, I guess I miss something.

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