Turtlebot3 is not working in Real Robot Project simulation

Hello the construct team i hope all are fine

I have a problem in the turtlebot3 i am working on the real robot project part 1 of the Ros2 basics in 5 days (Python) the problem is when i try to set the turtlebot3 to the correct position using the teleop_twist_keybord to test my code the turtlebot3 is just running to fast and jumps very fast and the robot goes in the wall so i cannot control the robot i don’t know what is the problem

this link is a video of what is happening in the in the simulation - (Public Link)

I hope you can help me as fast as you can
for any more questions i am free to answer

Note: the web address has been modified

Hi @ghassan11 ,

Could you please make the video visible to public? It asks me for google login (I do not want to!).

Please update your initial post with the public web address and add a note saying the web address has been modified.


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Thanks @girishkumar.kannan - I updated the google link.

Kindly can you check it.

Best Regards

Hi @ghassan11 ,

I just saw your video. In the simulation environment (Gazebo, not Real Robot Lab), the robot is running at the default teleop speed which is 0.5 m/s for linear and 1.0 rad/s for angular. This is way too fast for turtlebot3. You need to reduce the speeds by pressing w or x for linear speed and e or c for angular speed.

Your goal speed must be less than 0.15 m/s for linear and less than 0.45 rad/s for angular.
If you use a high value on the Real Robot Lab, your robot WILL GET DISCONNECTED.

So, yes, your problem is too much speed. Set proper speed values and redo the simulation. Everything will be fine!


Thanks Solved the turtlebot3 is under control :blush:

Hi @ghassan11 ,

Glad to know that your problem is now resolved!


Hi Girish sorry for annoying :blush:

Should I make the speed of the turtlebot3 1.5 for linear and 0.45 for angular also in my code the wall_following.py or only we will make the change in the teleop_twist speed to set the robot position

Best Regards

Hi @ghassan11 ,

Simulation or Real Robot - the situation does not matter - the linear speed has to be equal to or less than 0.15 m/s, and for angular 0.45 rad/s. This is compulsory.
This is not only for teleop situation. This is for all and every situation.



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