Unable to do 2D pose estimate on Rviz2

Hey guys I am currently facing an issue where i am unable to do 2D pose estimate on Rviz2
I am using ros2 Humble. I was able to do everything on simulation after following one of the open classes here. And now moved on to the real robot i.e. the tortoisebot.
Now i have created the map and can launch the map on rviz 2 using the command below:-
ros2 launch tortoisebot_bringup autobringup.launch.py use_sim_time:=False exploration:=False map:=/home/ubuntu/ros2_ws/src/tortoisebot/tortoisebot_bringup/maps/lab.yaml

i ran ros2 topic list and can see amcl_pose running. When trying to do 2D pose estimate i get the following error:-

[cartographer_node-10] [INFO] [1736774737.841369157] [cartographer logger]: I0113 17:25:37.000000  4252 constraint_builder_2d.cc:275] Node (0, 433) with 200 points on submap (0, 2) differs by translation 0.00 rotation 0.000 with score 85.0%.
[component_container_isolated-9] [WARN] [1736774738.331454495] [amcl]: AMCL cannot publish a pose or update the transform. Please set the initial pose...
[component_container_isolated-9] [WARN] [1736774740.416769029] [amcl]: AMCL cannot publish a pose or update the transform. Please set the initial pose...
[component_container_isolated-9] [WARN] [1736774742.505808227] [amcl]: AMCL cannot publish a pose or update the transform. Please set the initial pose...
[component_container_isolated-9] [WARN] [1736774744.584387716] [amcl]: AMCL cannot publish a pose or update the transform. Please set the initial pose...
[cartographer_node-10] [INFO] [1736774745.699714771] [cartographer logger]: I0113 17:25:45.000000  4200 collated_trajectory_builder.cc:81] scan rate: 7.20 Hz 1.39e-01 s +/- 5.69e-03 s (pulsed at 100.00% real time)

Rviz2 screenshot:-

I am not sure how to proceed with this. Any help would be appreciated

Okay so this an update on my post i am able to send 2D pose estimate commands now and is also read by rviz as i can see it on the terminal. But it does not reflect on rviz i am not sure why:-

The below is what i see on the terminal i am not sure what the extrapolation error means:-

[component_container_isolated-9] [INFO] [1736861815.580371713] [amcl]: initialPoseReceived
[component_container_isolated-9] [WARN] [1736861815.580729489] [amcl]: Failed to transform initial pose in time (Lookup would require extrapolation into the future.  Requested time 1736861815.580573 but the latest data is at time 1736861815.574752, when looking up transform from frame [base_link] to frame [odom])
[component_container_isolated-9] [INFO] [1736861815.580843877] [amcl]: Setting pose (1736861815.580841): 3.656 1.648 2.553

Is the extrapolation error related to rviz reading a different time than my raspberry pi that is running the autobringup command or is that just a warning?

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