Hello, I am using object detection in ROS1 Noetic. I’m using Intel Realsense D415 depth sensing camera.
I’m trying to use the Darknet_ros_3d package to get 3d bounding box coordinates of the object detected in the frame. I’ve read through all the documentation of the package and tried everything mentioned but I’m not able to get the depth coordinate. The pointcloud data is published on camera/depth/color/points
The darknet package gives x, y coordinates but when I do the rostopic echo /darknet_ros_3d/bounding_boxes -n1
there are no coordinates…
this is the output
seq: 0
secs: 0
nsecs: 0
frame_id: “camera_rgb_optical_frame”
Only issue I can think of after all the debugging is that the “frame_id”: “camera_rgb_optical_frame” is wrong. I do not find any frame by this name in the rviz and rqt_graph.
I even changed the “working frame” in darknet_3d.yaml
file to camera_link
but the frame_id is still the same. What is the correct value for the frame_id? Am I missing something?