Hello there,
I’m trying to make work a tracked robot simulation in gazebo but I can’t make it work.
I use an ubuntu 22.04 jammy VM where I installed ros2 humble to use a LTS version.
Following the gazebo website instructions about compatibility between ros and gazebo, I installed GZ Fortress 6.16.0 using
sudo apt-get install ros-humble-ros-gz
Gazebo seems to work fine as I can launch for example the example ros2 page example sim file.
I’m trying to use preinstalled example file tracked_vehicle_simple.sdf that is the closest to my needs.
I’m unable to make it move using the keyboard to move the robot using the keyboard after clocking space to start the physics.
To get it
ign gazebo
then search for tracked_vehicle_simple
If I go to check the the gazebo topic the my inputs work and publish a cmd vel
ign topic -t /model/simple_tracked/cmd_vel -e
It’s like the physics of the simulated tracks don’t work.
I have the same problem with conveyor.sdf that also is a track in gazebo.
Is my install that is missing something?
When I launch any sim I get the following (sorry for the picture)
Can somebody help me please? I need to use this tracked simulated robot for work.
Thank you in advance.